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International Events
United Futsal University is the ultimate futsal education platform. It offers extensive interactive courses for coaches, players, parents, referees, and anybody interested in the sport of futsal.
Interested in becoming involved with United Futsal? We’ve got you covered! United Futsal has member clubs and organizations nationwide - as well as our dedicated staff - that can assist with your efforts to get started. Just click the link below!
become a memberThe most competitive national tournament in the country. It’s the moment to find out who is the best team among all the CCS Members. The winner gets a free spot and opportunity to play in the World Futsal Cup in Barcelona, Spain.
The most comprehensive annual futsal pathway in the world for teams, coaches, players and referees.
The Regional Showcase Series is a team and player pathway open to every futsal team in the world! Whether you are a top team looking for a pathway to international competition, a soccer team looking for more opportunity, or a player just trying futsal for the first time, the Showcase Series is for you!
United Futsal Futures™ is the ultimate international training camp for young futsal players. This program offers players with the opportunity to train, compete and live the life of a professional futsal player in Barcelona, Spain.
United Futsal's National Training Camp is the most advanced youth futsal camp in the U.S. The top players from the Champions Cup Series are selected to train and compete with an elite coaching staff.
Interested in becoming involved with United Futsal? We’ve got you covered! United Futsal has member clubs and organizations nationwide - as well as our dedicated staff - that can assist with your efforts to get started. Just click the link below!
become a member